Co-branding with partners and donors

When presenting together with our partners and donors, our aim is to highlight a collaborative partnership that acknowledges the value each party brings to the table. We aim to maintain transparent communication regarding the origins of our funds and our partnerships. Clear rules guiding co-branding can help achieve this goal.

The placement of logos and the applicable co-branding guidelines depend on the leader of the marketing effort. Before proceeding, consider the following questions:

  • Who is the lead brand?

  • Does the partner have co-branding guidelines?

  • Do we have permission to use their logo?

  • Do we have their logo in high-resolution or vector formats?

Depending on the asset or the nature of the partnership, it might be better to develop two versions of the asset: one led by the partner and another led by the IFRC.

IFRC-led marketing

When the IFRC takes the lead in a marketing effort, follow our co-brand guidelines and templates. This doesn't mean disregarding the partner's brand guidelines; rather, it means using our fonts, visuals, and colour palettes in creating marketing materials. It's essential to treat partner's brand with the same respect as our own. Please use their logo without any alterations and follow their rules regarding safe space around the logo.

In this case, when using co-branding logo lockups, the IFRC logo is positioned first.

Logo usage

The IFRC regularly works with a range of partners outside the Movement. External partners can include government agencies or other public authorities, armed and security forces, universities, non-governmental organisations, the corporate sector or the media. These partnerships can have a number of purposes, such as training, education, dissemination, awareness-raising and positioning.

General Principals of Name and Logo Usage

  • Service providers may not use the IFRC logo.

  • Due diligence and screening of donors must be carried out before name and logo usage permission is given.

  • The logo may only be used by donors that enter into partnership with the IFRC.

  • The IFRC prohibits the use of its name or image on articles for sale.


  • Use of the name or image of the IFRC must not cause confusion in the public's mind between the IFRC and the partner's activities and/or the quality of its products and services.

  • The name and image of the IFRC may only be used in connection with goods or services actually provided.

  • The IFRC must derive material or financial benefits from the use of its name or image through improved relations with the provider.

The IFRC reserves the right to withdraw its authorization at any time if there is a risk that a provider's activities might jeopardize the IFRC's reputation.

Advertising and Promotion with Corporate Partners

  • The IFRC may give permission to a partner company to display their logo on advertising or promotional material, but not directly on the partner’s products for sale or distribution.

  • When developing joint advertisements or other promotional materials, it is important to be clear about the association, in order to avoid any perception that IFRC is endorsing the company, its products or services.

  • It is not unusual for external partners to want to use the emblems in ways that aren’t in line with the 1991 Emblem Regulations or in a manner which implies a special status, as a result of too close an association with the emblems. Be sure to check any logo usage to prevent the corporate partner appearing to be part of the IFRC network or Red Cross Red Crescent Movement.

Partner-led marketing

When a partner leads a marketing initiative, co-branded materials should align with the partner's branding, consistent with any marketing materials they usually produce for themselves. It means that they are responsible for creating marketing materials and obtaining necessary approvals from the IFRC.

In this case, when using co-branding logo lockups, the IFRC logo is positioned second.

Logo lockup options

Logos vary in shapes and sizes, and our partners and customers may have specific rules or expectations regarding their logo usage. This is why, we offer two lockup options. Regardless of the chosen template, it's crucial to ensure a balanced co-brand appearance. Try to maintain logos at a visually similar size and weight for optimal visual harmony.

Explanatory statement

In some cases, it may be necessary to clarify the nature of our relationship with a partner or donor. We provide four alternatives for co-branding logo lockups, each consisting of the IFRC logo and a statement: 'In partnership with,' 'Supporting,' 'Supported by,' or 'Hosted by':

Other statements can be developed following this example. Please consult with our Strategic Partnerships and Resource Development department to determine which statement is appropriate for use.

Last updated